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Sheet music for the piano and other instruments
You can also hire sheet music. We provide a wide selection of sheet music, encompassing more than 20,000 titles from the Czech Music Fund.
There is also a printed catalogue of the titles from the Czech Music Fund archive. Contact us.
Are you interested in hiring sheet music for the piano or other instruments? Contact us directly.
Contact information:
Český rozhlas – Fond hudebnin, nakladatelství a vydavatelství (Czech Radio – Sheet music fund and publisher)
Kateřina Žižková
Římská 13
120 99 Prague 2
Tel.: +420 221 553 361
Fax: +420 221 553 355
E-mail: katerina.zizkova@rozhlas.cz
Web: http://www.rozhlas.cz/nakladatelstvi/pujcovna_chf
We also lend sheet music from abroad
To hire sheet music, you must send a written order that includes the following data:
- the name of the composer and the exact title of the work
- the name and address of the ordering party
- the manner and number of performances: concerts, recordings, radio /television broadcast…